What’s the Range of Compensation in the CNA Field?
More Answers From Certified Nursing Assistants
Video Transcript
Host Question: What range of salary does a certified nursing assistant stand to make in a year, kinda what’s the entry level hourly rate and then what type of rate are you maybe striving for to acquire later in your career?
Guest Answer: Typically, when you start, like working at a nursing home, if you work full time, it’s about thirteen fifty an hour is the average, which is about twenty eight thousand a year, If you work in a hospital, you’re making about seventeen an hour for full time, which is about thirty five thousand a year. And if you’re doing home health, it’s about fifty an hour for full time, so about thirty one thousand. And part time is about twenty to twenty two thousand depending on those three areas. But there’s also an app that just came out during COVID called MRSA, and the minimum that the app pays is twenty dollars an hour.
And it goes all the way up to fifty an hour. And sometimes it includes bonuses. So, there’s places that don’t have CNA’s, and so you’re like, oh, I’m free on Saturday. What can I do?
And you can scroll through all the places close to you and it’ll be like, oh, twenty eight dollars an hour. You get a two hundred dollar bonus. You show up and you get paid the same day.
Guest Answer: This year, the average annual salary was around thirty two thousand a year.
I think that on the lower end of that is around twenty four thousand and the higher end was around forty two thousand. Generally, you start making a little bit more with experience, but I don’t think it’s gonna get a whole lot higher than that.
Guest Answer: Starting out is not very much I mean, it can be probably like starting out twenty five thousand. I know it’s going up a little bit. It depends on how much you work.
I know a friend of mine who has been a nursing assistant forever, and she won’t change whatever. And she’s, like, one of the highest. Paid around, but she has worked herself — Mhmm. — almost to death. So she probably makes like higher up like fifty thousand or more

Laura Herman
CNA, Elder & Dementia Care
15 Years Experience

Courtney Fout
CNA, Home Health Care
9 Years Experience

Erika Smith
Certified Nurse Assistant
7 Years Experience