Are There Any Career Advantages to Having a Formal Degree in Nursing or Other Bachelor’s Level Education?
More Answers From Certified Nursing Assistants
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Host Question: Are there any advantages to having a formal degree in nursing or even any other bachelor’s level education that are gonna advance you in any way within your career as a certified nursing assistant.
Guest Answer: Generally, it’s kind of the other way around, and and your training and as a CNA can inform and enhance your career in nursing or your career in management, you know, healthcare management or administration.
You know, certainly there I think that generally having a college education is beneficial in whatever you do in some form or fashion. But the CNA job generally isn’t structured to even recognize that. It’s not, in most cases, going to impact your salary or your opportunities, but, you know, having that education paired with your CNA skills and training, will probably, you know, be more likely to open up doors as far as, like, assisted living or memory care facilities where the staff don’t have to necessarily be licensed as nurses. You’re going to be in a better spot to get into a management position in a place like that with a, you know, CNA background coupled with maybe a bachelor’s degree or or whatnot.
Guest Answer: Typically, CNA’s are highly looked at, but also not highly looked at. To some people you’re just like, oh, you change briefs all day. It’s just whatever. But if you talk to an actual nurse, unless we do our job, the RNs can’t do their job.
And if the RNs can’t do their job, the doctors can’t do theirs. So, yeah, we just change briefs all day. But what we’re really doing is making it so that the doctors and the nurses can actually take care of the patient. CNNAs are very, very crucial in every aspect of healthcare.
If you get your associate’s degree, you’re essentially more of an LPN, which is a licensed practical nurse, and those you report directly to the doctor. So the only difference between that and a CNA is you have a little bit higher of pay, but you have more responsibilities.
If you want more of the responsibilities and you want to be in charge, of the CNA’s, then you’re more than welcome to go get your associate’s degree. You still work in the same areas as the CNA, and you do all of that, you just have two or years of school and a little bit more pay. If you go and get your bachelor’s, at that point, you become an RN. You still work in the same areas as the CNA’s, and the LPs, it’s just two more years of school after you get your associates.
Really just depends on, do you want to be an assistant or do you want to become a doctor doctor?
Guest Answer: I think there’s big advantage because doing it flip flopped, I know that the nursing, even just starting out, like, the basic stuff that you learn And then even if, like, you’re working, most people that I know and have worked with, you know, started out working in nursing home before they kinda took their state. Then they went and got test it and then that type of thing. So, it’s definitely advantage as far as knowing like terminology and just the basic care, like, standard

Laura Herman
CNA, Elder & Dementia Care
15 Years Experience

Courtney Fout
CNA, Home Health Care
9 Years Experience

Erika Smith
Certified Nurse Assistant
7 Years Experience