Prevent Blindness America has declared December as Safe Toys and Gifts Awareness Month. The group encourages everyone to consider if the toys they wish to give suits the age and individual skills and abilities of the individual child who will receive it, especially for infants and children under age three. According to the U.S. Consumer […]
Winter Health Tips
In winter the days get shorter and as the temperature starts to drop there is a greater tendency to stay indoors where it is warm, be less active and eat comfort foods. Winter can also bring increased risks of illness. Holidays, stress, post-holidays, even more stress — who has time for taking care of ourselves? […]
National Healthy Skin Month
Perhaps in preparation for the harsh winter months ahead, November is officially designated as National Healthy Skin Month in the US. All month long, people are encouraged to learn about the functions of skin and how to keep it healthy. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) first implemented November as healthy skin month in order […]
Lung Cancer Awareness Month
November is National Lung Cancer Awareness Month and we would like to remind everyone of the dismal numbers and statistics associated with this disease. A lot has been achieved, but a lot more needs to be done! Lets join hands and work towards making lung cancer a chronically manageable disease! As the month of November […]
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer risks, the value of screening and early detection, and treatment options available to women and men who are diagnosed with one of the many forms of breast cancer. More than 249,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with invasive […]
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Every October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) is observed to bring to light an issue that effects our community. Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) evolved from the “Day of Unity” held in October 1981 and conceived by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The intent was to connect advocates across the nation who were working […]
National Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month
September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month. Because it is “back to school” month for most children, the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America wants the public to reflect on the children and the adults whose lives, education and careers have been affected by this disease. The observance originated in 1975 when the Association and […]
Prostate Awareness Month
As the month of September brings prostate cancer into focus, it’s time to increase public understanding of the disease. 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, making it the most common cancer in men. The need for greater public education is why we have designated September Prostate Cancer Awareness […]
Children’s Eye Health Month
Since August has arrived and a new school year is about to begin, an eye examination should be part of your back to school check list. As part of Child Eye Health and Safety Month, in addition to immunizations and school orientations, it is highly recommended your child receive an eye examination before going back to school. […]
Psoriasis Awareness Month
August is Psoriasis Awareness Month! Each August, the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) sponsors Psoriasis Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness, educating the public and dispelling myths about the disease. Throughout the month, we’ll be sharing resources for treating and managing psoriatic disease. Each week, we’ll unlock a new challenge to test your knowledge and provide you […]